
Want to take care of work relationships?


• take care of yourself, avoid exhaustion, what is at stake in my relationship at work?

• become an “integrated” leader, i.e. fluid with your thoughts - emotions - energy

• promote participation in decision-making, cohesion and collaboration within your teams


My approach

Is psycho-educational and relational. I assume that everyone already has all wisdom necessary within themselves to live what motivates them. However, we must be aware of it and have access to it. It is in the relational space that everyone is confronted with their own limits and called to grow.

Your co-worker or supervisor is a potential ally for growth...even if he/she is really frustrating you!

My proposal is to create a listening space giving necessary safety for limiting beliefs and fears to surface and dissolve. This listening can be done alone with oneself, face to face or in a group.

It is not coaching but training and be empowered with new tools that can be practiced autonomously afterwards.

I work with leaders in alignment with participative leadership wishing to create ”power with” instead of “power over”.


I want to be more aware in my work relationships

Individual for leaders

Session of 1h30 - 90€

• define and implement my own participatory leadership
• develop my relational intelligence to better serve teams
• create a space for inner clarification to make decisions aligned with one's values, even under pressure

The purpose of these individual sessions is to prepare and support leaders who wish to live the values he or she holds. They go along with training days and support for the team itself.

In groups: facilitating dialogue

2-hours session on site + preliminary interview - 200€

Each member of the team learns how to:
• communicate differently within team and be able to speak from heart to heart
• know how to really listen

• dare to say what is really important
• strengthen appreciation and empowerment in the team's relational space

3 sessions are recommended to master these new ways of being in relationship.

• Mediation
• Team project workshop • Living together modalities workshop

On quotation for specific trainings

1000€ per day + preliminary audit phase

Intensive training for leaders: developing emotional intelligence

Friday 24th and Saturday 25th January 2020
Paris - 9h30-18h

Learn how to pause and
• take care of yourself, avoid exhaustion
• be a fully self-aware and conscious leader
• encourage participation in decision-making and collaboration


Changing Lives


Testimony :Bruno

Before I was the one who was carrying the whole team on my shoulders, fishing for information, finding all the solutions, now it’s the other way around: the team is supporting me.

It gives me inspiration and key informations to make the right decisions.

With participative leadership, I am now mostly guardian of the relational space, making sure sure everyone is safe and confident enough to give his best: so relaxing!


Testimony : Isabelle

The paradigm shift within the team was been huge since Stella’s training.

Everyone knows why they are here, where they are going, whether it is on a personal, team or company level and how to take care of our relational space.

I recommend 100%! Conflicts occur but now we know how to handle them and learn from them on our own.


Testimony : Thierry

I no longer see leadership in the same way. I am comfortable with my emotions and know how to show my vulnerability to the team.

This made our relationships more fluid and dissolved many misunderstandings and fears. It gives everyone permission to be authentic.

As a result, connections deepened within the team which is now much more proactive.


I want to be more aware in my work relationships

What I want to develop in my work relationships is...
Complete below in a few lines and I will answer you shortly