
Frequently Asked Questions


Is there anything I can do if the other person doesn’t want to change or doesn’t talk to me anymore?

Good news: yes, you have the power to change the energy that comes out of you when you communicate with the other even if he or she does not change and is not even in contact with you.

Quite often in conflicts we believe we are disconnected when we have simply lost the awareness of the connection. The other is a free human being, so it’s not about changing him or forcing him to do anything. On the other hand, if I bring awareness on my own reactivity, things can already change for me and I am able to live the situation much more peacefully. Sometimes just by doing that, by reopening my heart as much as possible with the other... miracles happen.


How can I convince my partner to work on our relationship?

In each couple one of the partners is the initiator in the process and the other the follower.

We each operate at our own pace. However, for the energy of change to be there, everyone must be ready to go for it. The essential condition for this is EMOTIONAL SAFETY. So I offer a free interview so that we get to know each other, bring safety and share together what each one is looking for. It’s an invitation, not a summons. For this reason, I refuse to listen to the initiator partner telling me about the relationship before this meeting with the other partner being absent, in order to give maximum safety to the “follower”.

The latter, paradoxically, becomes the most motivated one who wants to use the tools!


Will I have to speak in front of the group during the workshops?

No obligation. Emotional safety first and foremost!

Sharing experience comes naturally when you feel it and is a gift given to yourself because it implies a rise in awareness. It is also a gift for the group. It feels so good, there is no need to force yourself.


Are we able to use the tools right away?

Thanks to the intensive residential format over 2 days, yes, you will be able how to do so.

However, as you created new neural circuits, it is essential to practice them immediately after and regularly if you want to anchor them permanently. It is better to practice 30% of the tools very regularly than 100% very rarely.

It’s a bit like learning a new language


Les stages et formations que je propose :


Work relationships

Blossoming, boosting emotional intelligence, developing participatory leadership, succeeding together through relationship

Parent-child relationships

Learning to transmit to your children in benevolence, and to develop your creative power as a fearless parent


Love relationships :
for couples

Live the relationship I aspire to, know how to communicate in depth, enrich your sexuality, build together

Love relationships :

How to open your heart and free yourself from the past, so that you can start and build a powerful relationship